Mar 24, 2018

a post after long

Its weird.... 

I started this blog with the mission of maintaining and posting interesting stuffs. Now, it is 3 years and 4 months since I posted any blog. 8 years of blog life and all I have is 10 pieces all of which was written in less than an hour's time. 

Was life so busy? I don't think so. While there was lot of time for reflections, there wasn't any when it came to expressions. Can i maintain it anymore? 

There was a time when i channeled life in mission mode. Not any more. These days it is more of sustainability mode. after all, one shouldn't confuse marathon with sprint.


  1. Make yourself a bit free for your expressions to be reflected on this blog wall.. Wish u all the best

    1. should make myself free.. you said it right...
